Thursday, October 27, 2011


As a Bzz Agent I recently participated in the 'daily bzz' and was able to partake in the MiO Bzz Campaign for MiO flavored water enhancer. Only a couple squirts in a glass of water flavors it up and makes it funner to drink! I actually went ahead and bought some MiO before the campaign actually began and it was pretty good. It gets sweet pretty fast so you need to use it sparingly. :) Happy drinking!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Numerous Randoms...'s been awhile since I blogged here. Kind of forgot about this blog actually : /

- We bought a power juicer week before last and both the hub and I have 'juiced' for breakfast and lunch for the past 10 hasn't been so bad...except for around 3 pm when I feel like I'm going to pass out from starvation : /

- We've decided T is old enough now to stay home alone for short periods of time. This was a huge step for me and while my anxiety over some breaking into our home and kidnapping him was quite high at first, it has gone down and I'm feeling pretty ok with it. LOL We started out for just an hour, then a couple hours, and then a half day of work. He's been doing good....obviously. What kid wouldn't want to stay home alone, have total control over the television and not have anyone there to tell him he can't eat dry cereal on the sofa. Hmp.

- I celebrated 5 years at my job this month. Crazy. I cannot believe I have been there that long.

- I splurged and bought myself a (almost) new car month before last. It kicks some serious behind. Completely the opposite of my Caliber. My Caliber barely had cruise Aura is loaded. Leather, moonroof, OnStar, hands free rocks. I love her.

- There are exactly 60 shopping days left before Christmas. Have I started shopping you ask? Well, no...should probably start shopping for T's birthday that's in three weeks, first. LOL

- In three weeks I am going to be the mother of an ELEVEN year old. ELEVEN!? That's like two years away from a teenager!!!! And five years away from a drivers license!! He got his first love note at school this week. He was so annoyed with her notes that he told the teacher and she had to read them in front of the class. LOL!!! Bahaha! Poor girl!

Monday, February 7, 2011

How many did I complete, you ask?

Not many :(

Excercise more  - For awhile there I was doing wonderfully. I was hitting the gym three times a week and running over a mile at a, not so much.

Run a half marathon within the next twelve months - I did it!! Steve, Tyson and I ran a half marathon at the end of November!! 3.2 miles!!! It was only ten degress out that morning and all three of did awesome if I do say so myself!

 Find ways to become even more proactive that I already am in our adoption journey - Well, for awhile there I was doing pretty good....recently though I've been slipping and last week our agency officially closed. So now we need to concentrate on finding a new agency.

 Save more - Even with the completion of our new home in the past few weeks, both Steve and I have managed to put some money away :)

 Blog more - I've tried...ok? ;)

 Recyle more - I was really good for awhile there at the apt...A for effort right?

Grow my hair out again - Yep :) Although I think its time for a cut.

Figure out a way to help Tyson become more organized with his schoolwork - Apparantely I did this without knowing because his report card the past two quarters have been AWESOME!!!!!!!

 Eat more fresh/natural foods - I've done fairly good...just had a salad for lunch actually :)

 So, there you have it. I think I need to make a new list and this time with more reasonable goals.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rue McClanahan Dies At 76 | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Rue McClanahan Dies At 76 Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

So sad :( The Golden Girls is one of my all time favorite shows. Ever. I could watch reruns over and over again. A couple years ago the hubby bought me the second season on DVD :) One weekend when the hub was out of town my mom spent the night and we watched four consecutive hours of The Golden Girls. Love them! I'm so sad Rue passed away - she is a legend!!! You will be missed!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

28 at 28 Continued

Good Morning my random readers....if I have any : /

15 - Recyle more
16 - Grow my hair out again
17 - Figure out a way to help Tyson become more organized with his schoolwork
18 - Buy a paddle boat
19 - Learn to water ski
20 - Have more girls only weekends
21 - Go to church more
22 - Eat more fresh/natural foods
23 - Spend more time helping this less fortunate
24 - Take a trip to Oregon to visit my sister
25 - Visit Mount Rushmore
26 - Have Tyson's pictures professionaly taken at my grandparents farm
27 - Make homemade wine
28 - Have more date nights with my hubby

Whew. That was tough!

Friday, May 28, 2010

28 at 28

So, a friend of mine blogged this earlier and I'm totally stealing her idea ;) Since I am 28 years old, these are my 28 goals I currently have...

1 - Excercise more
2 - Run a half marathon within the next twelve months
3 - Find ways to become even more proactive that I already am in our adoption journey
4 - Save more
5 - Become a more frugal grocery shopper
6 - Make more time for friends
7 - Stop Facebooking so's so addicting!
8 - Grow a garden
9 - Volunteer at the schools working with special ed kids
10 - Blog more
11 - Frame my wedding pictures...I am so horrible at framing pics once they are printed!
12 - Finish Tyson's scrapbook
13 - Finish our wedding and bridal shower scrapbook...see a trend here? LOL
14 - Buy a sewing machine....and use it!

Ok, that's half for tonight....the second half will come tomorrow!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Numerous Randoms....

- My son spent the night at my sisters last night and will again tonight since school is out but summer day camp doesn't start until Tuesday. I was thinking of all the things I could do after work today since I'd have some time to know I couldn't think of anything? Well except cleaning my car...and that's exactly what I am going to do...exciting huh? And go to the gym...and plan some seeds I soaked last night....I know, I know...try not to be too jealous.

- I hit a skunk last night on the way home from my sisters house....hence the reason for needing to clean out my car and of course go through the carwash....I thought the smell had gone away until I got in there to go to work this morning...yeah, it's still there..

- I really, really hate my husbands new phone....he went from having a Qwerty keypad to a touch keypad and now hates texting because it's hard hitting all those touch keys..I myself am a texter and randomly text him throughout the which he just ignores me now rather than spending ten minutes writing once sentence...ugh. Dislike.

- My neighbors grass is over a foot high...not only that but there is 1,456,454 dandelions that are nearly that tall as well. No one lives there, obviously...definitely adds that nice 'abandoned house' flair to our street. I warned my son not to go in their yard in fear he may get lost...perhaps I should hang up a warning sign to protect losing any neighbor kids as well? LOL